
AsidefrombatterylifewhichIhopeimprovesinfuturesoftwareupdates,I'mgenerallysatisfiedwiththenewMacBookPro.Barringany ...,Apple'snewestMacBookProdisplayisthebestdisplayeverputintothecompany'snotebooks.Thedisplayis25%brighterthanolderdisplays ...,評分4.0·JoelSantoDomingo·ThelatestAppleMacBookPro15-inchwithRetinadisplaygetsaForceTouchtrackpadandbetterbatterycapacitythanitspredecessor,butitfacesstif...

Review: Three weeks working from the 15

Aside from battery life which I hope improves in future software updates, I'm generally satisfied with the new MacBook Pro. Barring any ...

A review of the 15

Apple's newest MacBook Pro display is the best display ever put into the company's notebooks. The display is 25% brighter than older displays ...

Apple MacBook Pro 15

評分 4.0 · Joel Santo Domingo · The latest Apple MacBook Pro 15-inch with Retina display gets a Force Touch trackpad and better battery capacity than its predecessor, but it faces stiff ...

Review: Macbook Pro with Force Touch Trackpad

Me being used to the model without the force touch is kind of hard and needs time to get used to. I actually got used to it really fast like I ...

Force Touch Trackpad

I am thinking about it as a replacement for my retina MacBook Pro 15 but I think the screen is probably too small. Performance-wise I think it ...

Do you like the Force Touch trackpads in the new MacBooks?

It's the best laptop trackpad, for me. The trackpad is large, accurate, responsive, and the force touch is functional too.

Force Touch tweak: Apple 15

Both models retain the 2880x1800 resolution Retina display, which I'll confess surprised me yet again with its sheer brightness and sharp ...

MacBook Pro review (2015)

評分 4.5 · Vlad Savov · Force Touch uses a haptic feedback system, which vibrates the pad's surface in a way that simulates the sensation of pressing a button in. In ...

2016 MacBook Pro Trackpad Review 1 Month Later

Friendly Review of the 15 MacBook Pro 2016 ( Force Touch Trackpad after 1 month of daily use.